
We have made badges.

Why links?
To show Google that we and you are serious in our industry.
It gives you the opportunity to end up higher in searches.
There should be links in the same industry, such as links to websites, blogs.
Links cost nothing but make a difference.
But you should have links to relevant companies for you and we hope we are it for you.

These are our badgets.

In order for you to link to us from your page paste this HTML code in the appropriate location. Choose between blue, white or pink.

<a href=""><img src="" title="Photoever finds the photographer" style="border-style:none;" height="150" width="150" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" title="Photoever finds the photographer" style="border-style:none;" height="150" width="150" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" title="Photoever finds the photographer" style="border-style:none;" height="150" width="150" /></a>